We live in a fast pace society where having maxed out schedules is the norm. As an employee of Corporate America we are praised when we have perfect attendance, we put in extra time at work, and ask for very little time off. Despite being super exhausted trying to be the perfect employee, parent, and friend we continue to push ahead towards the perceived meaning of success all the while of ignoring cracks in our health. The nagging headache, the struggle getting out of bed, the heart palpitations, anxiety, constant fatigue, and brain fog. Appearing to have it all together makes us the champion. Or does it?
There comes a time when suffering from insomnia, feeling edgy and irritable is not OK. Who ever said we had to have it all together all the time anyways? Time to hang up that bright shiny red cape and take a breather. Divorcing things that no longer serve our highest good comes with discomfort at first but the best prescription you can give to yourself right now is to hit the pause button, take a deep breath, and stand for what matters most, your health. It’s all about defining your worth and putting yourself at the top of your to do list.
Here are 5 easy self-care steps to help you thrive:
- Schedule time for yourself – scheduling time on the calendar to do whatever nourishes your soul is the best way to recharge your batteries – it’s non-negotiable.
Not taking time out can lead to chronic stress, which can damage almost every system in your body. Chronic Stress increases the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions. It can trigger the onset of diabetes, it suspends tissue repair, which causes decalcification in the bones. Stress inhibits the immune system making you more susceptible to colds and the flu.
- Meditation – it has been used successfully in the treatment and prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, and migraine headaches. It has proved helpful in curtailing anxiety and depression. Most of our stress comes from thinking of the past or worrying about the future, meditation calms the central nervous system and helps you become more present, focusing on the now. It’s important to turn off the outside noises of the world so you don’t become over stimulated.
- Eat Healthy – A healthy body responds better to the inevitable stresses of life. Eating well can help prevent or control high blood pressure, heart disease, constipation, hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Good eating habits can also reduce irritability, headaches and fatigue. Eat whole foods, organic fruits and vegetables, drink alkalized water and eat less processed foods, they slow the body down and are loaded with sugar and salt.
- Exercise – it returns your body to its normal equilibrium by releasing natural chemicals that build up due to stress.
- Keep a Gratitude Journal – having a positive attitude can add 5 years to your life. That’s right happy people live longer and what you focus on you get more of.
By slowing down and recharging your batteries you boost your immune system, improve self-compassion, increase productivity, enhance self-discovery, reduce stress, and gain clarity, Taking good care of yourself is an important part of your divorce recovery journey. So remember to check in with yourself on a weekly basis and embrace the fact that you are still a hero even when you hang up your cape.
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