Divorce Is Only As Dirty As You Make It

Divorce doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Look at it as an opportunity to find a sense of self. A way of letting go of something that is no longer serving your highest good. In the beginning it can feel hard, I know, I was married for 15 years, leaving felt like a sense of losing but in the end I got to spread my wings and discover who I truly was. The journey required me to fully surrender to my past so that I could open up to knew possibilities and I had to face my insecurities. Had I not let go of the relationship I would have never discovered my authentic self.

Many people do eventually heal after a relationship comes to a close. For some the journey is easy and for others they require helpful guidance. Navigating through the feeling of rejection, releasing from the feeling of shame, identifying insecurities, forgiving childhood abandonment trauma, pushing past fear, and redefining self-worth can be challenging, that’s why a great coach to help hold your hand and motivate you through it all is important. It’s like having your very own cheerleader who inspires you to win the race.

But statistics prove that divorce causes a silent epidemic for many, as they stay locked in the shame cycle and the emotional after-affects take a toll on their health and future relationships. This is why it’s important to understand that divorce happens, but you ultimately have control over your actions. It’s not your divorce that defines you it’s your actions.

So here are 10 tips to help you get on the right track so you can let go of past relationship baggage.

  1. Accept what happened, reflect on paper, and realize we attract a reflection of where we are at in life at that moment in time. The person that showed up was there to teach you something about yourself.
  2. It’s all about unleashing the inner you, let go of fear, shame, ego and the desire to control others. This is not about anybody else; rather it’s about you.
  3. Make a list of what you are looking to receive from a partner and start supplying it to yourself. You can’t receive what you first are not willing to give yourself. It’s important to send a clear message to the Universe about what you want and what you feel you deserve, so work on your inner value.
  4. Give yourself time to heal, look from within for fulfillment rather than outside of self. What we chase after runs from us anyways. When we are shining our inner light bright we become a magnet to greatness in the world.
  5. Schedule time for you and don’t cancel. Give yourself permission to put yourself first.
  6. Keep a gratitude journal of your positive progress and have mile markers to celebrate along the way.
  7. Remember a break up marks the beginning of something new and fresh an opportunity to discover you; it’s never the end.
  8. Do mirror work, look in the mirror and from an authentic heart space tell yourself that you love you just as you are and you are awesome!
  9. Continuously check in along the way and ask yourself, “Is what I’m about to do feeding my history or is it feeding my destiny?”
  10. Relax and enjoy the journey, life is full of infinite possibilities when we surrender, trust, and believe.

By letting go, we reduce our stress level, lower our blood pressure, improve our heart health, boost our immune system, increase our self-worth, and experience healthier relationships with others. So forgive deeply, release from judgment, and know that finding happiness happens when we give ourselves permission to heal and accept that the relationship you left behind was no longer serving your highest good. You are now a SHERO your own female hero who has birthed wings to fly and soar to the highest of heights, remember to breath and stay in flow.


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