Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired?

Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Health So You Can Experience A Natural Way To A Better Life!  (Slow Down The Sands Of Time)

How Genetic Testing Can Improve Your Health:
Genetic testing has moved into mainstream and is now the future of prevention health. In addition to the thousands of tests being offered for medical conditions and diseases, the science and research behind genetic testing for lifestyle and wellness improvement has progressed dramatically.
The science can now help identify the specific genes that dictate how the human body processes macro- and micro-nutrients, how types of exercise affect the body, and how lifestyle behaviors influence the aging process. Programs tailored to an individual’s DNA have proven to be much more effective than one-size-fits-all programs, because they take the guesswork out of health management. 
How DNA Testing Works:
1. When you purchase the kit, you will perform a simple cheek swab using the sample collection materials provided in your kit, then return the sample to Genetic Direction (lab) in the included pre-pad package. The CLIA-certified lab will then perform scientific analysis of your unique genotype.
2. Within 2-3 weeks, you’ll receive a comprehensive online report with specific details about how your genetic makeup affects your aging process. Genetic Direction will provide a detailed set of recommendations and solutions matched to your genotype with a unique action plan to help combat the signs of aging.
3. The DNA testing online platform provides you with a comprehensive resource library, which contains hundreds of videos and articles that are curated specifically for your genotype. Best of all, these are available 24/7 from any desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.


GXSlim Weight Management DNA Testing:

GxSlim is a scientifically-based weight management program that identifies your unique genetic makeup and then provides diet and exercise strategies that are tailored to your genotype. This is not guesswork, GxSlim will help you understand how your body uses food. It will show you what kinds of foods you should or should not eat, where you may have deficiencies or excesses, even how you should exercise in order to optimize your weight loss results. While taking your unique genetic makeup into account you will be provided eating and exercise strategies that are tailored to your genotype. These are the only eating and exercise recommendations you will ever need again, because they are based on your DNA.


Price $379.00

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GxRenew Healthy Aging Program DNA Testing:

GxRenew is a DNA-based healthy aging program that identifies a person’s unique genetic makeup and then provides health management strategies that are tailored to your specific genotype. GxRenew examines 29 different traits for signs of predisposition to lack of nutrients, organ health, skin health, and many other health concerns. This innovative healthy aging program will help you understand how your specific genes dictate how your body ages, eliminating all of the trial-and-error, providing better and faster results. GxRenew utilizes your genetic profile to provide nutrient, food, activity and lifestyle recommendations to keep you looking and feeling young longer.  Recently published research has linked numerous aging signs to genetic predisposition, and many of these indications may be addressed with DNA-based lifestyle changes.


Price $379.00

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GxSlim Weight Management and GxRenew Healthy Aging Program DNA Testing:

When you purchase our GxSlim and GxRenew programs at the same time, we only have to perform one genetic test, so you can save $200 by ordering both programs at the same time! There is very little overlap between the two programs, so to learn how to achieve a healthy weight AND look and feel better longer all based on your unique genetic predisposition, order both programs now for only $558.

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